About Amber


It’s a funny thing, the moment you realize why you were born…

One would think it would be liberating, confirmational, exciting!

And it was all of those things. Along with doubt, fear, and panic.

What would people think!?

How am I suppose to accomplish that!?

My spiritual awakening was intense. And while it felt VERY sudden, looking back I see the breadcrumbs.

Intense anxiety (I wasn’t doing what I was supposed to be doing!)

This feeling of intense sadness (my soul yearning for me to listen).

And finally, my higher self put me in a position where it could come through and connect in a way I wasn’t able or willing to before.

Major surgery…serious downtime.

And it was in those four months of recovery, it felt like a light had been turned on within me.

A flip switched.

I could feel EVERYTHING.

The energy of others. The energy of animals. My higher self. My guides.

I could play with energy and my clair-abilities were SHARP AS HELL.

I remember seeing a therapist and leaving thinking, “What I really need is a spiritual teacher.”

And so - I became my own.

I reveled in my gifts.

I remembered astrology and went down the rabbit hole of relearning.

I journaled EVERYTHING.

A road map to navigating the Dark Night of the Soul. Spiritual concepts.

I hired a business coach who helped me start my own Spiritual Life Coaching business when I realized I was making my exit route from public education.

Driving to school every day, there was this pit in my stomach.

I wasn’t where I belonged.

And so - I honed my craft. I helped those I was meant to serve.

Birthing a new era…

So much continued to fall away from my life that wasn’t in alignment with my desires or my highest path.

The clearing & clarifying that happens on this journey can be excruciating…and also incredibly beautiful, if you allow it to be.

In the spring of 2018 I found out I was pregnant with my son, and the game changed again.

My purpose came through in an even bigger way…conscious parenting my children, while also building a business.

From 2018 to 2021, I stepped further into leadership…reparenting my own inner child, leading with love in my home, and continuing supporting others on their spiritual journey.

I received my Advanced Marconic Energy Practitioner certificates.

I became a leader in the conscious parenting space.

I birthed my daughter into the world, knowing she would help me with the embodiment of all I taught.

I invested in myself & my business multiple times over with coaches & mentors who really SAW me and were living the life I knew was also meant for me.

So who am I now?

I feel like I’m finally coming home.

In my motherhood. In my business.

In my gifts. In myself.

I know that my super power lies in being a high frequency bridge; helping others easily access their higher self for rapid healing, soul alignment & anchoring, and turning on THEIR soul purpose gifts.

Soul Embodiment.

I am insanely passionate about helping other’s on their ascension journey bring their soul and higher self and anchor it into the physical body.

Where our spirit & our human meet.

Where there’s no more “reaching” and only LIVING.

Living from our knowing…


Allowing and reveling in our humanness.

In our experience on Earth.

If you’re ready to live a life that feels right…

You’re not alone.

There is a huge community of us, ready to make major changes in our lives.

We are the paradigm shifters.

The visionaries.

Leaders of the New Earth.

If you’re ready to LIVE from your higher self, own your intuition, and have a community that feels like home…

You’re in the right place.
